Emotion corpora

6 Nov

One of the common ways that phoneticians and other researchers have looked at emotion-in-language is by studying acted affect. That is, you get a bunch of people to read number lists or the alphabet in “angry” voice, “happy” voice, etc. Then you see if other people can reliably guess the emotion and then you go and look for the acoustic correlates.

If you’re interested in this sort of thing, you could try the Emotional Prosody Speech and Transcripts corpus (if you’re at Stanford and you’ve gotten corpus access, you’ll find it at /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/EmotionalProsodySpeechAndTranscripts).

Now, there are a number of known issues with acted data–which is that it is stereotyped in particular ways. And if you wanted to detect what’s going on in a call center, “angry actors” wouldn’t help you nearly as much as “actual callers who are annoyed/disappointed/etc”. If you’re curious about more naturalistic corpora/research, here are some resources you might find useful (they’re all on my web page about emotions and language: http://www.stanford.edu/~tylers/emotions.shtml).

11/7/2011 post-script: If acted data suits your needs, you can also consider something other than English–for example, the Mandarin Affective Speech corpus will get you Chinese.

One Response to “Emotion corpora”


  1. Prosodically annotated corpora « Corpus linguistics - March 8, 2012

    […] my previous posts on emotion here and here for other resources–note that the two above are both […]

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