Glosses for grammatical and ungrammatical sentences

16 Feb

ODIN, the Online Database of INterlinear Text (I know, I know, why not “ODIT”?) collects sentences from linguistics journals that have interlinear glosses.

They’ve got data on over a thousand languages–and probably most useful, they give you something grammars usually don’t–what ISN’T allowed (or at least what is claimed to be disallowed).

For example, from Broadwell (2002) on Amharic:

    28) *wädä [[yä=Yohannïs]PP bet]]NP
    toward of=John       house
    (`toward John's house')


    29) wädä [[Yohannïs]PP bet]]NP
    toward John        house
    `toward John's house'

One Response to “Glosses for grammatical and ungrammatical sentences”


  1. Erorrs erorrs evrerywehere « Corpus linguistics - April 17, 2012

    […] I showed a neat resource that has grammatical and ungrammatical sentences from various linguistics papers over the years. But what if you want a whole bunch of English […]

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